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Optima Weightech - Industrial Weighing Machines and Equipment Manufacturer

We specialize in manufacturing industrial weighing machines and equipment for various industries.

Our Products


Bagging Machine

Bagging Machines pack powder and granular material using electronic weighing principles. Our high-quality machines use load cell sensors and microprocessor-based bagging controllers. Contact us for more information


Tank Weighing System

Tank weighing systems measure liquid or solid materials in large silos, bunkers, and mixers. Optima WeighTech's systems are made of stainless steel and easy to maintain.


Liquid Filling Machine

Liquid filling machines are used in the food and pharmaceutical industries to fill bottles of different shapes and sizes. These machines have adjustable nozzles and variable speeds, making them ideal for filling flowable liquids

About Optima Weightech

We are a reputable manufacturer of industrial automation and process weighing systems. Our company has been operating since 2009, and we have established a strong reputation in the market for providing exceptional products. Our product line includes bagging systems, flame-proof weighing scales, liquid filling machines, load cells, tank weighing systems, online check weighers, and more.


Why Choose Us?

Our team has extensive experience in the weighing industry and is well-equipped to manufacture reliable weighing products that meet the needs of growing industries. We provide customized solutions based on individual customer requirements, and our infrastructure is equipped with advanced machinery and equipment to ensure a seamless and error-free manufacturing process.

Experienced Team

High-Quality Products

Customized Solutions



From customized weighing solutions to unmatched quality and service, Optima Weightech has everything you need.

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